Cargo Cycle Training
Try out a Cargo Bike
Leyton Jubilee Park
Thu 11th Apr 2024 · 11:00am
Booking closed
Dates & times
Have you ever wanted to try out a cargo bike or wondered about hiring one from Waltham Forest Council? Here is your chance to try out one (or all) of 4 different cargo bikes the council offer as part of their hire scheme. Test ride them and see which one might suit your family or business in sessions run by trained Cycle Confident instructors.
The trials will take place in Lloyd Park, E17 and each family/individual/business will have 30 mins each.
You are welcome to bring up to 2 others, including children, to the session to try out the bikes.
The bikes that will be available to try are:
Bakfiets: A classic two-wheel cargo bike from The Netherlands that has a familiarity to ride with stability in mind. Our Bakfiets is not electric assist, but due to the positioning of the wheels, the rider can comfortably pedal a range of loads. Our Bakfiets can fit two children or a decent size cargo, a solid 80kg.
Christiania Taxi: From Denmark, the Christiania range of bikes won the Danish Design Awards in 2011. Our electric-assist taxi model has three-wheels and is great for pedalling older children, teenagers and adults. The bike is amazing for social rides and like all Chirstiania’s is unique for having one handlebar. This design feature helps stability with the rider encouraged to steer with just one hand positioning in the centre of the handlebar.
Christiania Classic: Our non electric-assist Christiania Classic is really popular for local trips. Do not be put off by not having the e-assist motor, its design allows for cargo of up to 100kg!
Douze: Our most popular cargo bike comes from France. The two-wheel e-assist cargo bike is well-loved for its Brose motor that can reach speeds of up to 25kph. The fleixibility of the cargo hold provides suitability for a range of uses, whether taking children for a ride, or carrying a cargo load of up to 125kg. Change your lifestyle – DOUZE IT!
Please arrive on time for your session and let us know if you are unable to make it so we can pass this opportunity onto someone else who could benefit.
To find out more about the Council's hire scheme please visit:
Where to find us
Leyton Jubilee Park
Area between the basketball court and the cafe. Leyton Jubilee Park, Marsh Lane, E10 7BL